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Our 5-point ESSENTIAL chiropractic analysis for back pain and sciatica

5-point ESSENTIAL chiropractic analysis for back pain and sciatica

Our 5-point ESSENTIAL chiropractic analysis for back pain and sciatica is a comprehensive assessment. It involves a thorough examination of the following key areas, leaving no stone unturned in the quest for relief and recovery:

Spinal and Pelvic Alignment Our focus on spinal and pelvic alignment is crucial. We meticulously check for any vertebral subluxations (misaligned spinal bones interfering with exiting nerves) and analyze your pelvic alignment. Specifically, we concentrate on the lumbar (lower back) region, sacrum and coccyx (tail bone and small bone on its tip), and pelvis (right and left hip bones). These areas could be the root cause of nerve compression, which leads to back pain and sciatica symptoms.

Foot, Knee, and Hip Alignment Addressing any misalignment or imbalances in the lower extremities contributing to back pain and sciatica is not only essential but could also be the missing link to relief and recovery. IMPORTANT: Many of our new patients who were not helped by other providers (orthopedists, physical therapists, chiropractors, etc.) never had their lower extremities adequately evaluated and corrected.

Range of Motion Test We test your spine’s mobility in various directions (flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation) to identify any restrictions or pain points indicating movement or alignment issues.

Palpation of Muscles and Joints We manually feel (palpate) the muscles and joints in the back and legs to locate areas of tenderness, spasm, or inflammation associated with sciatica.

Neurological Assessment Sensory nerve tests (feeling different parts of the legs and feet) and muscle strength tests help us determine the severity of the problem and how best to chart a plan for correction.

These checks are more than just routine. They are the key to unlocking the mystery of your pain. By meticulously examining these areas, we can pinpoint the root cause of your discomfort and devise an appropriate treatment plan.

August 22, 2024